Judha Chen's Page


My name is Judha Chen. Currently finished my 2nd year at York University and looking forward to my third year (2022-2023)! Currently, a Commerce (BCom) student doing my honors specialization in Finance.

I am a very curious person by nature and I love learning new things. Along with my Bachelor of Commerce degree, I am also working towards finishing the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate! This certificate is helping me (a relative beginner) learn about SQL, R, Tableau, Excel, and more! With Google itself designing the program, I feel like I am learning the right skills for me and my future employers.

I am also currently looking for an opportunity for an internship in the near future! I am a hopeful candidate who is dedicated to improving myself and can hopefully give valuable inputs to any organization that is willing to give me a chance.

Thanks for visiting. Please check out my LinkedIn and other social media accounts through the "Contact me" page at the top of the page. Let's talk!

Judha Chen Resume 2022.pdf